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Appliance Test & Tag

Did you know electrical hazards exist in almost all workplaces? Each year throughout Australia there are numerous electrical accidents at work involving electric shock, many of which are fatal. These accidents result in increased insurance premiums and costly litigation.

Truth be known almost all of it could be avoided with regular test and tag programs.

Appliance test and tagging is the process by which an electrical appliance undergoes a visual inspection and a safety test with a Portable Appliance Tester to ensure it is fit for use in the work place.

Appliance Testing and Tagging is necessary in Australia and NZ to protect your staff and the public and adhere to strict occupational health and safety guidelines (AS/NZS 3760). The process of having your items test and tagged will involve qualified personnel attending site to complete the testing and record the results.

Chose a qualified electrical appliance testing company Vac Shop to look after this for you by calling us now on 02.49601155.


Test & tag is compulsory in Australia & NZ to protect your staff and the public and adhere to strict occupational health and safety guidelines (AS/NZS 3760). As the owner or manager of a premises or business you have a legal and ethical obligation to your staff to provide regular appliance test and tagging.


An employer must take reasonable care to identify any foreseeable hazard that may arise from the conduct of the employer’s undertaking and that has the potential to harm the health
and safety of:

a. Any employee of the employer, or
b. Any other person legally at the employer’s place of work, or both
Extract from the OH&S act 2000

In addition to your legal obligations, you have a duty of care to your staff. Electricity has the potential to seriously injure and can kill – why intentionally risk the health and safety of your greatest asset? A damaged appliance could cause electric shock, fire and even death.

Appliance Testing and Tagging saves lives.

If that’s not reason enough, you are also liable to punishment. OH&S Inspectors have the power to issue penalty notices and on the spot fines for non-compliance with AS/NZS 3760. Punishment varies between states but the owners, managers and responsible people could be facing individual fines of up to $28,500 and/or imprisonment depending on the degree of seriousness.

CALL US NOW to arrange testing.